Results for 'Albert Johannes Dietrich'

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  1.  7
    Kants Begriff des Ganzen in seiner Raum-Zeitlehre und das Verhältnis zu Leibniz.Albert Johannes Dietrich - 1916 - New York: G. Olms.
  2. Dietrich, Albert Johannes, Kants Begriff des Ganzen in seiner Raumlehre und sein Verhältnis zu Leibniz. [REVIEW]Victor Henry - 1918 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 22:171.
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    Neoplatonism in the Cologne tradition of the later Middle Ages: Berthold of Moosburg (ca. 1300–1361) as case study.Johann Beukes - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):15.
    The objective of this article is to present an overview, based on the most recent specialist research, of Neoplatonist developments in the Cologne tradition of the later Middle Ages, with specific reference to a unique Proclian commentary presented by the German Albertist Dominican, Berthold of Moosburg (ca. 1300–1361). Situating Berthold in the post-Eckhart Dominican crisis of the 1340s and 1350s, his rehabilitating initiative of presenting this extensive (nine-volume) commentary on the Neoplatonist Proclus Lycaeus’ (412–485) Elements of Theology in his Expositio (...)
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    Responsibility as Response: Biblical-Theological Remarks on the Concept of Responsibility.Johannes von Lüpke - 2009 - Studies in Christian Ethics 22 (4):461-471.
    The term of responsibility is ambiguous. In a general sense it means nothing more than answering questions about human behaviour (in Greek: logon didonai; in Latin: rationem reddere). In order to get a more precise sense of responsibility this article discusses concepts of responsibility, worked out by Albert Schweitzer, Hans Jonas, Richard Niebuhr and Dietrich Bonhoeffer. The discussion is concentrated on two problems: (1) extensification of responsibility in accordance with the expansion of technological power; (2) limitation and intensification (...)
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    Rezension: Argumentation in Theorie und Praxis.Melanie Stefan, Peter Brössel & Albert Johann Jörg Anglberger - 2006 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 1 (20):37-41.
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    Sprache und Wirklichkeit in Wittgensteins Tractatus.Rolf-Albert Dietrich - 1973 - Tübingen,: M. Niemeyer.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Sprache und Wirklichkeit in Wittgensteins Tractatus" verfügbar.
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    Zeit, eine normative Ressource?Frank Dietrich, Johannes Müller-Salo & Reinold Schmücker (eds.) - 2018 - Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
    All states of human life are limited by time. Human personality, but also interpersonal justice therefore have a temporal dimension. Is time thus a source of normativity: a factor that every ethic must take into account? Does it make any demands on the design of our personal way of life? And must norms and rules that aim to bring about, maintain, change or end certain states of human life always have to take into account the passage of time? In this (...)
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  8. Antagonistic Redundancy -- A Theory of Error-Correcting Information Transfer in Organisms.Johannes W. Dietrich & Bernhard O. Boehm - 2004 - In Robert Trappl (ed.), Cybernetics and Systems 2004. Wien, Österreich: pp. 225-30.
    Living organisms are exposed to numerous influencing factors. This holds also true for their infrastructures that are processing and transducing information like endocrine networks or nerval channels. Therefore, the ability to compensate for noise is crucial for survival. An efficient mechanism to neutralise disturbances is instantiated in form of parallel complementary communication channels exerting antagonistic effects at their common receivers. Different signal processing types share the ability to suppress noise, to widen the system’s regulation capacity, and to provide for variable (...)
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  9. Zwischen milieu intérieur und medical decision making – Aspekte einer medizinischen Kybernetik.Johannes W. Dietrich - manuscript
    Seit wenigen Jahren erfreuen sich in den Lebenswissenschaften mehrere Theorien eines immer weitergehenden Einflusses, die unter Etikettierungen wie Systembiologie, Netzwerktheorie oder Signalomics nur scheinbar unabhängige Herangehensweisen an komplexe Zusammenhänge darstellen. Navigation ist der übergreifende Gedanke, der so unterschiedliche Gebiete wie Regelungstheorie, Entscheidungstheorie und Systemwissenschaft verbindet. Navigation als Lage- und Kursbestimmung nebst den zugehörigen Signalverarbeitungsprozessen und Steuerkommandos ist die Grundlage dessen, was lebende Organismen von der blo§en Ansammlung materieller Ingredienzien unterscheidet – von der molekularen Ebene bis zum Sozialverhalten. Denn stets stellen (...)
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    Untersuchungen über den Begriff des Mystischen in Wittgensteins Tractatus.Rolf-Albert Dietrich - 1971 - Göttingen,:
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  11. An Exact Truthmaker Semantics for Permission and Obligation.Albert J. J. Anglberger, Johannes Korbmacher & Federico L. G. Faroldi - 2016 - In Olivier Roy, Allard Tamminga & Malte Willer (eds.), Deontic Logic and Normative Systems. London, UK: College Publications. pp. 16-31.
    We develop an exact truthmaker semantics for permission and obligation. The idea is that with every singular act, we associate a sphere of permissions and a sphere of requirements: the acts that are rendered permissible and the acts that are rendered required by the act. We propose the following clauses for permissions and obligations: -/- - a singular act is an exact truthmaker of Pφ iff every exact truthmaker of φ is in the sphere of permissibility of the act, and (...)
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  12. Truthmakers and Normative Conflicts.Albert Anglberger & Johannes Korbmacher - 2020 - Studia Logica 108 (1):49-83.
    By building on work by Kit Fine, we develop a sound and complete truthmaker semantics for Lou Goble’s conflict tolerant deontic logic BDL.
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    Posidonii Rhodii Reliquiae doctrine.Johann Posidonius, Daniel Albert Bake & Wyttenbach - 1810 - Osnabrück,: Biblio Verlag. Edited by John Bake & Daniel Albert Wyttenbach.
  14. Neue Formen von Solidarität? : sozialethische Thesen zur Weiterentwicklung caritativer Arbeit.Johannes Eurich & Anika Christina Albert - 2018 - In Bernhard Emunds & Friedhelm Hengsbach (eds.), Christliche Sozialethik--Orientierung welcher Praxis?: Friedhelm Hengsbach SJ zu Ehren. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Medicinalia Arabica. Studien über arabische medizinische Handschriften in türkischen und syrischen BibliothekenMedicinalia Arabica. Studien uber arabische medizinische Handschriften in turkischen und syrischen Bibliotheken.M. L. & Albert Dietrich - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):360.
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  16. Vertrouwend leven.Johannes Albert de Koning - 1953 - Delft,: W. Gaade.
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  17. Teleology first: Goals before knowledge and belief.Tobias Schlicht, Johannes L. Brandl, Frank Esken, Hans-Johann Glock, Albert Newen, Josef Perner, Franziska Poprawe, Eva Schmidt, Anna Strasser & Julia Wolf - 2021 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 44:e169.
    Comparing knowledge with belief can go wrong in two dimensions: If the authors employ a wider notion of knowledge, then they do not compare like with like because they assume a narrow notion of belief. If they employ only a narrow notion of knowledge, then their claim is not supported by the evidence. Finally, we sketch a superior teleological view.
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    Empfehlungen zum Umgang mit dem Wunsch nach SuizidhilfeArbeitsgruppe „Ethik am Lebensende“ in der Akademie für Ethik in der Medizin e. V. (AEM).Gerald Neitzke, Michael Coors, Wolf Diemer, Peter Holtappels, Johann F. Spittler & Dietrich Wördehoff - 2013 - Ethik in der Medizin 25 (4):349-365.
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  19. The Quest for System-Theoretical Medicine in the COVID-19 Era.Felix Tretter, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Michael Meyer-Hermann, Johannes W. Dietrich, Sara Green, James Marcum & Wolfram Weckwerth - 2021 - Frontiers in Medicine 8:640974.
    Precision medicine and molecular systems medicine (MSM) are highly utilized and successful approaches to improve understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of many diseases from bench-to-bedside. Especially in the COVID-19 pandemic, molecular techniques and biotechnological innovation have proven to be of utmost importance for rapid developments in disease diagnostics and treatment, including DNA and RNA sequencing technology, treatment with drugs and natural products and vaccine development. The COVID-19 crisis, however, has also demonstrated the need for systemic thinking and transdisciplinarity and the limits (...)
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  20. The Case against Johann Reuchlin: Religious and Social Controversy in Sixteenth-Century Germany. By Erika Rummel.D. J. Dietrich - 2004 - The European Legacy 9 (5):673-673.
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  21. Der Nachlass Albert Ehrhards und seine Bedeutung für die Byzantinistik.Johannes M. Hoeck - 1951 - Byzantion 21:171-178.
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    18th and 19th century German linguistics.Christopher Hutton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff, Johann Christoph Adelung, Johann Christoph Gottsched, Johann Gottfried Herder, Dietrich Tiedemann, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich von Schlegel, Franz Bopp, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Heymann Steinthal, Jacob Grimm, August Friedrich Pott, August Schleicher, Georg von der Gabelentz, Hermann Paul & Wilhelm Max Wundt (eds.) - 1717 - Tokyo: Kinokuniya.
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    Offenbarung und Geschichte: Untersuchungen am Werke Albert Haucks.Hans-Dietrich Loock - 1964 - Hamburg: Herbert Reich, Evangelischer Verlag.
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    PROs in the Balance: Ethical Implications of Collecting Patient Reported Outcome Measures in the Electronic Health Record.Joshua S. Crites, Cynthia Chuang, Anne Dimmock, Wenke Hwang, Bobbie Johannes, Anuradha Paranjape & Albert W. Wu - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (4):67-68.
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    The First Orchestrated Attack on Spinoza: Johannes Melchioris and the Cartesian Network in Utrecht.Albert Gootjes - 2018 - Journal of the History of Ideas 79 (1):23-43.
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    Eine Begegnung mit langen Folgen.Dietrich Rueschemeyer - 2018 - In Giuseppe Franco (ed.), Begegnungen Mit Hans Albert: Eine Hommage. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 281-282.
    Nach drei Semestern war ich 1951 von München nach Köln umgezogen, weil ich mit Wirtschaftswissenschaft Ernst machen wollte. Im wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Seminar traf ich zum ersten Mal auf Hans Albert. Obwohl er ein halbes Jahrzehnt älter war als ich, arbeitete er als studentischer Amanuensis in der ökonomischen Bibliothek.
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    Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier, Das Orakelheiligtum des Apollon von Abai/Kalapodi. Eines der bedeutendsten griechischen Heiligtümer nach den Ergebnissen der neuen Ausgrabungen, Wiesbaden 2016 VII + 60 S., 44 Abb., 1 Karte, ISBN 978-3-447-10708-2 , € 29,–. [REVIEW]Albert Schachter - 2019 - Klio 101 (1):335-339.
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  28. v. 3. Abhandlung über den Ursprung der Sprache / Johann Herder. Versuch einer Erklärung des Ursprunges der Sprache / Dietrich Tiedemann. Von der Sprachfähigkeit und dem Ursprunge der Sprache. [REVIEW]Johann Fichte - 1717 - In Christopher Hutton, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Christian Wolff, Johann Christoph Adelung, Johann Christoph Gottsched, Johann Gottfried Herder, Dietrich Tiedemann, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Friedrich von Schlegel, Franz Bopp, Wilhelm von Humboldt, Heymann Steinthal, Jacob Grimm, August Friedrich Pott, August Schleicher, Georg von der Gabelentz, Hermann Paul & Wilhelm Max Wundt (eds.), 18th and 19th century German linguistics. Tokyo: Kinokuniya.
  29. Ladd, George Trumbull, 114.Sigmund Exner, Fechner Gustav Theodor, David Ferrier, Theodore Floumoy, Karl Fortlage, Max von Frey, Murray Glanzer, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Goldberg Rube & Albert Goss - 2001 - In Robert W. Rieber & David K. Robinson (eds.), Wilhelm Wundt in History: The Making of a Scientific Psychology. Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
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    The light within us.Albert Schweitzer - 1959 - Westport, Conn.,: Greenwood Press.
    The selections contained in this volume were made by Richard Kik. The original edition Vom Licht in uns was published by Verlag J.F. Steinkopf, Stuhgart. It contains sayings of things highly spiritual nature as well as a description of the life of Richard Kik. One such selection is The beginning of all spiritual life is fearless belief in truth and its open confession. Albert Schweitzer (14 January 1875 4 September 1965) was a German-French theologian, musician, philosopher, and physician. He (...)
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    Johannes von Dambach und die Trostbücher vom 11. bis zum 16. Jahrhundert.Albert Auer - 1928 - Münster i. W.: Aschendorff.
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    Rehmke, Johannes, Grundriss der Geschichte der Philosophie.Albert Goedeckemeyer - 1923 - Kant Studien 28 (1-2):432.
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    Müller und Hegel. Zum Verhältnis von Naturwissenschaft und Naturphilosophie im deutschen Idealismus.Dietrich Von Engelhardt - 2018 - In Bettina Wahrig-Schmidt & Michael Hagner (eds.), Johannes Müller und die Philosophie. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG. pp. 85-104.
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    Leibniz und Goethe: die Harmonie ihrer Weltansichten.Dietrich Mahnke - 1924 - K. Stenger.
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    Der Wert menschlichen Lebens: medizinische Ethik bei Karl Bonhoeffer und Dietrich Bonhoeffer.Christof Gestrich & Johannes Neugebauer (eds.) - 2006 - Berlin: Wichern-Verlag.
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    Vernunft und Leben aus transzendentaler Perspektive: Festschrift für Albert Mues zum 80. Geburtstag.Albert Mues, Michael Gerten, Leonhard Möckl & Matthias Scherbaum (eds.) - 2018 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Vorwort der Herausgeber mit Schriftenverzeichnis Albert Mues - H. SEubert: Transzendentalphilosophie und Metaphysik heute. EIne Skizze - M. SCherbaum: Philosophie als Lebensform - oder: Die Krise des Nihilismus und die Validitat transzendentaler Argumentation. SYstematische Reflexionen zu Letztbegrundung, Grenze und Bedeutung von Philosophie - M. GErten: Der Charakter der Transzendentalphilosophie als fundamentaler Geltungsreflexion. HIstorische und systematische uberlegungen mit besonderem Blick auf den spaten Fichte - L. MOckl: Zur logischen Position der Hypothese - I. RAdrizzani: Die Zeitfiguration in der Transzendentalphilosophie. REinhard (...)
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    Beobachtungen zur Funktion der Analogie im Denken Herders.Hans Dietrich Irmscher - 1981 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 55 (1):64-97.
    Die Abhandlung, ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der wissenschaftlichen Methoden, untersucht Johann Gottfried Herders Verwendung der Analogie als Instrument für die Entdeckung neuer Gebiete der Erkenntnis in den Bereichen seiner Naturphilosophie, der Geschichtsphilosophie und Literaturkritik. Abschließend wird Herders Verhältnis zum überlieferten Gedanken einer ars inveniendi bestimmt.
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    (1 other version)Johann Heinrich Gottlob V. justis philosophische satiren.Rolf Albert Koch - 1961 - Kant Studien 53 (1-4):490-506.
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    One With Nature. Man and Nature in the Thought of Francis of Assisi, Jakob Böhme, Albert Schweitzer, Teilhard de Chardin. [REVIEW]Johannes Balthasar - 1988 - Philosophy and History 21 (1):48-49.
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    Essays in Science.Albert Einstein - 2015 - Philosophical Library/Open Road.
    An homage to the men and women of science, and an exposition of Einstein's place in scientific history In this fascinating collection of articles and speeches, Albert Einstein reflects not only on the scientific method at work in his own theoretical discoveries, but also eloquently expresses a great appreciation for his scientific contemporaries and forefathers, including Johannes Kepler, Isaac Newton, James Clerk Maxwell, Max Planck, and Niels Bohr. While Einstein is renowned as one of the foremost innovators of (...)
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    Brian Michael Barry 1936-2009.Albert Weale - 2011 - In Weale Albert (ed.), Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 166, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, IX. pp. 3.
    Brian Barry was the leading European normative political theorist of his generation, his intellectual influence being felt in Europe, North America, Australasia, and indeed wherever normative political theory in the analytical mode is practised. As well as being a Fellow of the British Academy, he was a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the only Briton to have received the prestigious Johann Skytte prize from the University of Uppsala for achievement in the study of political science. (...)
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    Prolegomena to a Study of John Buridan’s Physics.Johannes M. M. H. Thijssen - 2005 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 79 (3):493-502.
    After a brief sketch of the state of Buridan studies, this review article examines the recent study, by Benoît Patar, of a commentary on Aristotle’s Physics that is generally attributed to Albert of Saxony, but which Patar believes to have been authored by John Buridan (the text is preserved in the manuscript Bruges, Stadsbibliotheek 477, fols. 60va–163vb, and was edited by Patar himself in 1999). Patar is utterly convinced that the Bruges Quaestiones represent Buridan’s prima lectura, that is, his (...)
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  43. Nicholas of Cusa and the so-called Cologne School of the 13th and 14th Centuries.A. Fiamma - 2017 - Archives D’Histoire Doctrinale Et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 84:91-128.
    Considering the historical background and the transmission of the manuscripts, the paper discusses the relations between Nicholas of Cusa and the so-called “Cologne School” – Albert the Great, Ulrich of Strasbourg, Ugo Ripelin of Strasbourg, Dietrich of Freiberg, Meister Eckhart and Berthold of Moosburg. In this context are highlighted a few moments of the biography of Nicholas of Cusa, especially the friendship with Heymeric de Campo between 1425 and 1429, the debate with Johannes Wenck and the meeting (...)
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    Jacob Burckhardt, Religion, and the Historiography of "Crisis" and "Transition".Thomas Albert Howard - 1999 - Journal of the History of Ideas 60 (1):149-164.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Jacob Burckhardt, Religion, and the Historiography of “Crisis” and “Transition”Thomas Albert Howard*A great historical subject, the representation of which should be the high point of a historian’s life, must cohere sympathetically and mysteriously to the author’s innermost being.Jacob Burckhardt 1If you are to venture to interpret the past you can do so only out of the fullest exertion of the vigor of the present: only when you can (...)
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    Diskursverantwortung in Krisen- und Kriegszeiten: Bad Kissinger Symposion des Hans Jonas-Zentrums.Bernadette Herrmann, Harald Asel & Dietrich Böhler (eds.) - 2023 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    „On 23rd February 2022, when the editors had worked out topical issues of dispute relating to politics, ethics, technology and religion for a Hans Jonas Centre conference on responsibility for the future and discourse ethics, it was suddenly foreseeable that Russia would invade the core area of Ukraine the next night. We immediately informed our Ukrainian colleagues that we would allow them asylum, if desired, and invite them to the conference in Bad Kissingen as keynote speakers. In no time at (...)
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  46. Von Dietrich zu Albert.Kurt Flasch - 1985 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 32:7-26.
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  47. Johann Gottfried Herder, Schriften zu Literatur und Philosophie 1792-1800, hg. von Hans Dietrich Irmscher.W. Farr - 1999 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 106:502-503.
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    Johannes Picardi von Lichtenberg, Dietrich von Freiberg und Meister Eckhart: Eine Debatte in Deutschland um 1308.Alessandra Beccarisi - 2010 - In David Wirmer & Andreas Speer (eds.), 1308: Eine Topographie Historischer Gleichzeitigkeit. De Gruyter. pp. 516-538.
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  49. Hans Dietrich Irmscher-" Weitstrahlsinniges" Denken. Studien zu Johann Gottfried Herder.Rainer Wisbert - 2010 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 63 (4):319.
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  50. Albert rizäus hardenberg und Johannes molanus in bremen: Zwei humanisten im konfessionellen zeitalter1.Th Elsmann - 1993 - In Fokke Akkerman, Gerda C. Huisman & Arie Johan Vanderjagt (eds.), Wessel Gansfort (1419-1489) and northern humanism. New York: E.J. Brill. pp. 40--195.
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